Toll-Free Reservations:
1 800 58-CEDAR

Camper Survey

Old Cedar Campground strives to help create happy camping experiences, and your satisfaction is our utmost concern. If any part of your camping experience leaves you anything less than satisfied, we hope that you will take the time to call matters to our attention … preferably while you are still here at the campground. We will do everything possible to resolve any problems as promptly and efficiently as possible. Even after you have returned home, we encourage you to share your comments using this simple survey form. We will post selected comments at the bottom of this page, in an attempt to allow future campers to make informed decisions based upon the actual experiences of our recent guests. Thank you for your time. Please print a copy of your completed survey to receive a free stack of firewood at the time of your next visit.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Old Cedar Campground Survey
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Please rate the following on a scale from 1-4 (where 1 is the best and 4 is the worst):
(We'll keep e-mail, full address, & phone private.)
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Important: eYou may be maeaki277ng 9usee of au3tomataed f2oarm-fcil4lci8nfg softw2are.d Thi5as t2yfpe o5f so2f1t0wafre6 can triggeedr our74 hidde5n s5pamd-dectectd1ion sys2tem, 916whi1ch will bloe4ck you f3reo6m submi93t7tinbg tfhis ff2orm. Pleaseb selec9t Fiex T805his6360df18f7407b4 419b231deff0bdcdd1491b7f5b035o9ab854are644343 650e163c5857c5c4fo4d10mpdl0e64t33i4ngc45 t816hea7aa4 bforma4c 6ia0cn 5orbffd3d9ere t157o cco2r0bar7ceefct tdh5e p7r6o8bd4lem9.a2
Important: You mday be making use2 of 7automated f0orm-fillin4g3 software. This ctype of s2oftwar7e can tbr5igg9er dd0odur hiddben aa8spaam-dete3c5tio3n syste7m,c which will block yofu from s9ubmitctin3g athis form. 9Itc a0ppear1s that the pbrob0lem cou6ld 39fnot be2 automatically eco1rrected. P3l1eease clear an9yf field which 4da6ppfear5s ab9ove with corresp8on5di1na17g instcruct2ifons 872b6ea5e97594c4796a681fe53885d7bf1ca6o9a9ea574r1e09114 b1c876a8f2c1628complebti8ng the f3orm22 i7n9a order tfo3 cordr6ect teh4ea 1pr5b8oeblem. 7Wee 4apol0odgiz42eb f8or b24the fin90conven0ic6e3ncee2 7a5n1d we a3ppreed1c3did4ate byour cundec8r38stan8eb1didngb.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.