Toll-Free Reservations:
1 800 58-CEDAR

Camper Survey

Old Cedar Campground strives to help create happy camping experiences, and your satisfaction is our utmost concern. If any part of your camping experience leaves you anything less than satisfied, we hope that you will take the time to call matters to our attention … preferably while you are still here at the campground. We will do everything possible to resolve any problems as promptly and efficiently as possible. Even after you have returned home, we encourage you to share your comments using this simple survey form. We will post selected comments at the bottom of this page, in an attempt to allow future campers to make informed decisions based upon the actual experiences of our recent guests. Thank you for your time. Please print a copy of your completed survey to receive a free stack of firewood at the time of your next visit.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Old Cedar Campground Survey
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Important: 0You 3mady b0e d1mak9indg euse o48f2 4au8t3omated form-fil0ling 1aasoftwa4r5e. T92his 3type3 of sof6tcw0d8ar8e can tri4gger ou7r 7hi5dden cs42pa6m-detecti6ocn sys2etea1m, which 3will bblock yo2u5c fro5m su2bmi2ttibng this form. 7Pb9leeas0e sebl0ec7t 7Fix dThis5c58cba b2e5e331454f6bb5aceacbfe9dc4882e1ob08617re9c427863a6 e12e96766d2co002mple6t146ina185g teh9da3ce 2f6o4bc6db888rem2 icfnbb doerded12eer3a92 0a2to c4orbrec04t 5the9 pcro0bl54em.c8fe5b
Important: You may be m8fakiengb u0se of a9ut1omatedb form-fi9e3llbing4 so4ftware.1 This0 type 2of3 softwa7re ccan tricggeer our hi61dden spam-detection 7s8ysft2em, which wil2l block you7 frdom submitti1fng this 4form. eIt fap6p6earsa that th9e pro5b5flem co7uld n5ot be aut7omatica2lly co7rrecteb0d. Please clear ceany fi4eld wfhdich appeabrs fbelow with corresponddincg ibbnstructi59ondsa0 5bd0ad861af6edf5b1a708b129c0cf9d39966ofb10rbf6cf89d1e13d92e 14fb6b289completin97g the11 fo77cbbr2m in order 10t6ob 3c8orrc7e0ct theab proebl30aem6. 6We6 apof1logizee9 10for the inco0nv6e0nicence1 a0end wabe07 79apcp83re3ci04ate7 a85you7r u8ndcerst8anding.4b2
Please rate the following on a scale from 1-4 (where 1 is the best and 4 is the worst):
(We'll keep e-mail, full address, & phone private.)
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Important: 4Yo8u1 mcay 3abe 7making use obf automate4da 367dffocarm-ffillcindg 8ds9oftware. Thiscc typea62 0of 4softwa26re can trf3igdger our hi42dden sp3a4m-det5ect2ioen system,4 wchc4i0ch willc ffblock youc from 65sub8mitting 2t7his f0ormf. P8lea6see 6seledct Fix Thi0se3e98 91b4e7ade5105ec142ffc52ac6301bb735dbdc0ba19b6o2brd9afae89d39fd 391fcoca49f8m0pc8e3fletb9ing8 th9e6 4f8o33bram9 i6b3n 9obrdecr0 t5abo ffac9o1rr5ed0c6t1f 20thfe461 bf9par7o2blebmeecc.b
Important: You may be making use of aedutomcated7 form-fi6lling so7ftfware. aThis t4yp2e of sofbtware9 ecan trig3ger our hidde6n 9s5p3am4-de6teectio2n2d asy47stem,d fwhich 2w6ill bl8ock you from submitti1nf2g this9 form. It bappears that the problem c8ou5ld6 not be a9utom4atic02ally4 co0rrecte7da. Please clear any field3 whic4h ap4pe9ares aboeve withe corre6sp5o5nding i3nsc07truecbtions5cf80503 8e6aafbe48de87372f5b2fcde073e7do74e2f9b4142104d269c5r61e60 bce8comple74tinc3g2 3d9ba7f94thec fco3rmb8 i9n5 order to 5dcdorcer3b3ect 7ethe pro0blem. W5e adpdao5logize2e for td2h6e in0918c1o90nveniencae and8 dwdee a6ppr7eciatef you5r cunder1sta1ndi2ng.19
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.